Density Digest | Break-ins, Sustainability & Bungalow Courts

Density Digest  | Break-ins, Sustainability & Bungalow Courts
Photo by Sigmund / Unsplash

March 22, 2024

density dad is a reader-supported publication covering all things urbanism and the built environment. Topics range from housing and public transportation to land use, safe bike infrastructure, and building equitable communities. I'm passionate about writing and aspire to cover this work full-time. Your subscription enables this pursuit. Join me in crafting meaningful content. Subscribe today.

It's a little after 4am and I've been on edge since yesterday. I walked out the house to make a 7 am trip to source plants from an hour and a half away to see my wife's driver side window smashed on her car.

I have much I can rant about but we'll try to keep this week tight and on topic. I'll talk about this in a full feature later this weekend, after I cool down. Thank you for your patience for this week's issue.

Let's get right into it!

Becoming Even More Sustainable

I've noticed this shift personally being a bit more environmentally aware as of late. It started with mentioning to my wife I wanted to add an additional bucket for the compost service we use for our plant shop. Every plant we repot and other food and compostable paper gets tossed in a bucket and every two weeks Compost RVA comes and swaps it out for a new one. We are about to take things a bit further and reuse some off the compost in our own soil mix to offer at the shop soon.

Anyway, I felt I unlocked another level of reusing items through an infinite life cycle. I'm already minimalist so I only thrift or purchase quality, intentional items. I stray away from cheap, temporary items and the idea that "I'll buy this for now and then buy something better later". As the saying goes for me, "buy once, cry once." No need to get attached to an item, it perform poorly, only for poorly made things to go into our landfills. We purchased quite an expensive high chair. This one to be exact. It is something that my daughter will be able to use through college, comfortably. As I understand it, even then she could sell it for around $100 or so as the items have held their value over the last 50 years. I look forward to getting one for my son.

But how do we go deeper?

Continued beyond the paywall I discuss:

  • Becoming Even More Sustainable (Cont'd)
  • What To Read - Let's Talk Urbanism Guilt
  • What To Watch - What happened to bungalow courts?

We'll keep the dad jokes to a minimum. No spam, ever.